Newsletter - 2024-03-23

Almost April, and I shall not be sorry to see the end of March, it has been tinged with sadness, and, worse, the prospect of more sadness. The pictures were hard to find, and I had to change my mind several times. Two of these are not what I wanted, but I hope that with your help they may be replaced - or that I may learn to like them if they are not.

So let us stride forward, and discover fur, film, flight, France, fins, a Freddie, and four-strokes. Some of these are not strictly correct but in the poetic rhyming sense they work, so I have let the truth slide just a little. As we all should some, if not most of the time. 

There is an "F" missing, of course, and that is the best one of all, Fun. I hope that you have lots of it reading this.... 

And so I must close. Not that I will sleep, but I have a bit of motor racing to listen to online, and I have my radio for slightly later on. 

Thank you for popping in, whomsoever you are.

I do wish that there was some kind of counter, and then you too would know that you were not the lone reader in the darkness. Though I know full well that there are others out there, tuning in to connect, and I am frequently, wonderfully, contacted by readers who prove their existence, either with the offer of assistance, scans, or information. And this is much appreciated. Not all of them ask to be named, in fact some ask me not to. But I thank them all now, once again

See you next week, perhaps still sitting here, or maybe not.....