Newsletter - 2024-04-13

Saturday, again, already. Where does time go? Ah, you see, but I have wasted it with little to show for it, when I ought to have done so much....

I have to say these light nights are to my liking in many ways, it has been almost a quarter to eight and I have still not drawn the curtains. Mind you I cannot see the keyboard, and there are frequent mis-strikes, which cause me to retrace my steps, and start again. 

I am looking forward to the summer in many ways, but not in others, for it will be hard to have all that time in the garden, but alone, with no little four legged fur legged chap to have to watch over at all times, to frequently have to stop my work in order to stop them chasing rats, or digging, or barking, or to remove a thousand burrs and forget me not flowers from all over their face.

To stay alone, in the peace and quiet, or not.... that really is the question, right now.

But time to chat about cards. And lets start with : 

and there I must halt, it is already Saturday. A whole weekend spreads out before me. How shall I fill that? 

Now next week, in case you had forgotten, our newsletter will arrive just as you are waking up and getting ready for our 2024 annual card fair and convention at the Five Rivers Leisure Centre, Hulse Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 3NR. 

Make sure you have your card wants lists, and also check on your need for any larger items like albums, and leaves, or books, for buying those in person at the event will save you paying postage.  

And the newsletter will act as your virtual reveille!