Newsletter - 2024-08-24

Welcome, almost to September. I will have to suffer artificial light soon, and even wetter feet when I walk down the garden in the early mornings - perhaps, worst of all, to have to find my wellingtons, and retreat into tights. For all that, there are good things, the colours of the foliage, long bus journeys into the countryside, or as far as you can get on a bus pass, anyway.

Last year I had buster at this time, and he was ailing. This year I shall be reminded of how much fun these explorations were, by taking naughty nipper, squirrel chaser extraordinaire, roller in un-mentionable, but not un-smellable, scents, that only a dog could love. 

And if any of our readers have any Autumnal themes or cards do please let us know, at

This week we bring you tales of a crisp controversy, a fun fruit, a definite defeat, a great goalkicker, some super Sentai, an odd oven, and a much-missed motorist. 

So lets start with that salted shocker...

I am learning, slowly, to start this earlier in the week, which is why this newsletter was meatier than some have been in recent times - for it does not make the end come quicker, it simply gives me more time to research those winding pathways into the past, and click the links together in the cartophilic chain. 

I also fitted in the writing, and card scanning, for two articles which will appear shortly in our printed, members-only magazine. 

Next week we will say farewell to August, for the newsletter will go out on the 31st thereof. But not without a final look at a very summery place. 

See you all next week, and thanks, so much, for popping by.....