Newsletter - 2024-12-28

And so, quickly, to another newsletter, written over Christmas, amidst the chaos. This one takes us into a New Year, 2025, a quarter of a century after the Millennium. Maybe there are readers who were not even born then, something I find quite incredible. 

This week seems to have gone well, and I found six of the seven diary dates really quickly, as well as the cards to match them (with help from my contacts, for which many thanks). The seventh, however, as late as Friday morning, still eluded me, and I was eventually forced to pick another subject. 

Anyway off we go, for the last newsletter of 2024 and also the first of 2025. May that New Year bring us happiness, but most of all peacefulness, and little pockets of calm in which we can sort (or sleeve) our cards. And may I be the first to hope that it also brings you that final card you have long been after to complete "that" awkward set.....

Now the only thing that did fail to get done (because I waxed too lyrical about Somnium), was the card codes for the Diary Dates, but I will add them tomorrow. And I am fairly sure that if I had stopped to do those, then the newsletter would not have been finished. 

Now some time over the next week the new calendar of club meeting dates will be uploaded, so watch the revolving banner on the home page. There are some clubs yet to come, so if you have not sent yours along yet please do. In the early days of Spring it is the perfect time for a little drive in the country, and collectors would like to have as many options of where to end up as they can.

Anyway time, and my eyes, are running out. I must retire. Nipper has been asleep for ages. 

May I wish you all a Happy New Year, full of adventure, and fun. I know I hope that for myself, for without those things, life can be very dull. And I hope to find as much as I can in the forthcoming months.....