Newsletter - 2025-03-01

On we "March" together. And hopefully happily, looking forward to a bright future. It may not entirely work out that way, but it is much better if we hope it will. Don`t you think? 

This week I have done a bit more of the Magazine Archive story, and also added more Cards of the Day to the Index These will continue to grow as I get time.

I have been on the fence about that index, stuck on A. & B.C Gum`s "Footballers" Scottish - Green back 2nd Series (1963-64), for our original British Trade Index part II says that the fronts of this set are a "Portrait or action picture with L/base corner "turned in", brown border 81 x 57", which clearly this is not, and that the Scottish players have a "Back in green, style of Back 4", which this is also not, back four being clearly shown on the picture in that volume as vertical rather than horizontal, with a coin rub quiz and a box with curving frames to the top and bottom lines. Our card is back 3 of those pictures, which is also the back given to the English version of this set. So I imagined that there was a small error, and both sets here ought to have said "Back 3". And though I have now spoken to a few collectors, who say that this description in the British Trade Index is nothing to do with our set, it relates to the 1964-65 A & B.C. "Footballers", this leaves me uncertain of what code to give this card so I may proceed. 

Anyway, onwards to this coming week, and lets start with...

And there I must close, time has beat me again.

This time I am trialling my former system, where the cards for the diary dates are slightly smaller, so do let us know what you think - the email address is