Unpublished newsletters

Latest newsletter:
27th July 2024
After almost an entire week of chaos, I have at last finished all the pictures, and set them into place. Some of the text will have to be added through the weekend though. The weekend will also be chaotic, especially tomorrow, but for a whole other reason....
Latest newsletter:
20th July 2024
So as the weekend starts, by Friday midnight sliding into Saturday morning, a second at a time, as we also slide a new newsletter over the top of the last.
Latest newsletter:
13th July 2024
Saturday, again, they come round so fast. Or is that only for me ?
Latest newsletter:
6th July 2024
As we change of the week, we also change of the government, and, rather excitingly, this year is a hundred years since the first ever Labour win. 
Latest newsletter:
29th June 2024
Started earlier this week, then hit delays, and the sort of heat which is not good for man nor beast, though in my case nipper is both the man and the beast. If a dog can boil in twenty minutes you can imagine how little time it takes for a puppy, but we made it, somehow. 
Latest newsletter:
22nd June 2024
Friday night, all over again - and can it be that this newsletter will be finished, and with all the card codes in place, when it loads at midnight? If so, that is a rare occurrence, recently, anyway.
Latest newsletter:
15th June 2024
Ooh, another Saturday, and this week I had more or less finished - with the card codes and write ups being in place by 4 p.m. on the Saturday. Not sure how that all happened, but jolly glad it did. The only things left to investigate in any large way is the link between Ely Brewery and A.
Latest newsletter:
8th June 2024
This newsletter is almost completed. Yet it remains a strange one, speaking both of sadness, and of delight, almost within the same breath. Such, I have learned, is life. Peaks and troughs, laughter and tears, an end and a beginning. 
Latest newsletter:
1st June 2024
Well this was uploaded at midnight as a more or less complete newsletter - which is an unusual event these days. The halting block was the card codes, simply because the text is too small for me to read under artificial light.
Latest newsletter:
24th May 2024
So this week it has been another chance for you to follow the progress of a newsletter as it builds. Things are pretty hectic right now. However they will settle down, I am sure. And I am heartened by the kind messages that I have been sent. Thanks to you all.