Unpublished newsletters

Latest newsletter:
18th May 2024
So I hope you enjoyed last week`s little glimpse into how these newsletters are constructed? It was fun for me to do it that way, and who knows, it may [need to] be repeated in the future. 
Latest newsletter:
11th May 2024
Well this is the oddest newsletter that I have ever penned, apart from the one after "that concert" of course, when I was rendered quite unable to do anything at all for several days. It was so amazing. 
Latest newsletter:
4th May 2024
I am currently tidying and typing this at 6 am. It is raining, but the light is okay to type in and I do not need to worry that I put the light on because only I am here. Everyone else is asleep, and I do not have to go in the garden.
Latest newsletter:
27th April 2024
Can it be a week ago that I uploaded your newsletter from a tiny tent in darkest Salisbury? Coldest Salisbury, too, and with my car not that much warmer.
Latest newsletter:
20th April 2024
Another newsletter, and it would be remiss of me not to say that I hope you manage to make it down to Salisbury and that you find the card of which you always dreamed, as well as, even more importantly, to meet up with your friends, and maybe even to see someone that you only know right now as an
Latest newsletter:
13th April 2024
Saturday, again, already. Where does time go? Ah, you see, but I have wasted it with little to show for it, when I ought to have done so much....
Latest newsletter:
6th April 2024
Tonight, I somehow do bring you a newsletter - though there were times during the last week that I almost did not.
Latest newsletter:
30th March 2024
Another week is slowly peeled off the calendar, and we wonder where it went. Or maybe we have a diary full of events which we can ponder over and relive when it is too wet to venture out?
Latest newsletter:
23rd March 2024
Almost April, and I shall not be sorry to see the end of March, it has been tinged with sadness, and, worse, the prospect of more sadness. The pictures were hard to find, and I had to change my mind several times.
Latest newsletter:
16th March 2024
And so to another Saturday! Which is actually the eleventh of the year.