Newsletter - 2023-06-30

Welcome to another newsletter, which has had a bit more revision. It seems to have turned into a bit of a celebration of Godfrey Phillips as well, but that is just the way things turn out. However as I do not have the updated Godfrey Phillips reference book, perhaps you would like to check whethere there have been any changes since the information that I hereby present. 

A hectic week, aren`t they all, but we made it again, and pretty much in time. So read on, for apart from the plethora of Phillips, we have a flight of fancy, a Presidential train driver, a bag of delights, two amazing twins,  an early excursion, the power of a kiss, and a last minute substitution of Florenz Ziegfeld rather than Jon Pertwee. 

thanks for your patience, and see you all next week!