Newsletter - 2023-12-23

And a Merry Christmas to you all, dear readers - plus, of course, glad tidings to those of you who do not celebrate this festival. But if we came together a little closer we would discover that there are many similarities between us, which would warm our hearts with equal fire. 

Anyway I am not going to tell you it has been a hectic week, for I am certain we can all say the same, whatever our religion we all have to navigate the same pre Christmas hazards and jams - we all have things to get before everything closes down, and there are way more people in the streets and in the shops, and going endlessly round the car park hoping someone will pull out just as you get there, and also the crush on public transport (though I was the only person on the bus this afternoon - I felt quite guilty getting off and leaving it empty).  

So this week we have tried to give you a flavour of Christmas on every day of our diary dates - and we succeeded, I think. So let us introduce our stars - the humble radish - the evergreen - a "pud" - the little wren - and two trips to Neverland, with a break, for a glass of beer, in the interval....

And so I must adjourn. And not only because my charger has disappeared and my battery but a sliver of its former self. But I will catch up with my charger in the morning, where-ever it has wandered. 

It only remains for me to thank you for popping by all these weeks, perhaps even since I started in 2019, and thought what a good idea it would be to have a weekly newsletter. There have been times I have wondered if that was the best idea ever, but I have learned lots, and it has been such fun. And I look forward to keeping them going for as long as I possibly can..... 

And thanks for coming tonight, on the night when it starts to stay lighter again in the evenings, albeit by really small increments. However it is on its way! And that gladdens my heart immensely.