Newsletter - 2024-03-09

Ooh. Friday! Must be time for a catch up then.... So this week has again been hectic, and I have selected of the cards very wisely, because I knew full well I may run out of time, for I had a few adventures to go on, and it is motor racing again. 

The card index is now back to January 2022. About six months remain until every card of the day is waiting to be looked at with just a single click. And then I shall start on the newsletters!

At the moment I am stymied. The next card to do is 27 January 2022 and I hit a double with Wills Famous Inventions - Home issue (November 1915). The two subjects are Blackpool and hopefully trams, or the automatic "player" piano. Blackpool seems the most likely to find a second card of. 

The only new or substitution card this week was :

And so to this week, for which we have an interesting selection of events, which may be surmised as 

fake gnashers, rashers?, an evergreen star, a winner, a spinner, and more than a spot of intrigue....

Ready to investigate? Well then lets go.....

Right that`s it. Any omissions will appear over the weekend. Hope you enjoyed it, learned something, had a chuckle, and will go and do some of your own research.

If you do any of these things, do tell your friends to come along and read it too. And we look forward to seeing you all next week!