Newsletter - 2024-06-22

Friday night, all over again - and can it be that this newsletter will be finished, and with all the card codes in place, when it loads at midnight? If so, that is a rare occurrence, recently, anyway. And I have had even less time than normal - plus I currently have a splinter embedded in my finger which has made it swell up and makes bending it painful. I went to the doctor, the instructions are to soften the skin for ten minutes in warm water morning and evening, then return in a week if it is no better. I am not sure where I got the splinter but I suspect it was trying to get nipper out from under a particularly thorny shrub. 

Anyway, nothing thorny in our newsletter, other than that. This week we bring you three Centenary Cards, and chat of discoveries (banned), records (broken), countries (changed), vision (coloured), brothers (opposed), balls (bowled), and water (maybe).

Lets start with ...

And so I must depart, to listen to the motor racing on the chromebook whilst nipper slumbers beside me. There are a couple of scans of set listings to add, but that is pretty much all folks, which, as I said at the start, is jolly rare these last few weeks. 

In case you did not notice there was something else unusual about this week`s newsletter. For it was entirely composed using trade cards, not tobacco. Some collectors still consider trade cards a minor version of tobacco cards - but I hope that I have demonstrated that they are every bit as interesting, informative, and colourful, and how large a range of subjects it is possible to find upon them. 

Thanks for popping by and have a great week. ..... wherever you are.