Newsletter - 2024-08-17

Saturday again, and not just that, for we are heading rapidly into autumn, wet grass, slippery leaves and loads of slugs and snails. No mists yet, but they will soon be here. 

Autumn always seems to herald the start of going to events, the boot sales are packing up, and it is chilly, so maybe you should have a look at our events calendar and make a note to visit your local branch, or have a little trip out to one that is a little further. Most serve cups of tea, and refreshments, and there is bound to be an inn along your route if not. Make a day of it. Somethng to remember, as winter comes, even colder, and wetter, and gloomier, right on its heels...

This week a rather short newsletter, but some interesting adventures. Few centenaries though. Not sure why. And we manage to encompass a brilliant boat, a curious child, a famous flier, a biting beast, an art adventure, a frantic fight, and an earthly encounter - on Friday, of course.....

So let us start with that brilliant boat

Now there are a few things left to do, but I shall call it a night.

These are mostly the descriptions of the two German sets from the World Tobacco Issues Indexes, and the relevant card codes. Also the gen about the "In" printing of the Brooke Bind "Out Into Space".

They will be added tomorrow asap though tomorrow is nipper`s first day at school, (dog training classes) and that will occupy most of the morning. 

And I will let you know how that goes tomorrow too. 

Thanks for tuning in, and I hope you enjoyed it. If you did, please pass the website address over to your collecting friends and tell them to come and look as well.. And we look forward to feeling your presence next week.