Newsletter - 2024-09-07

This intro is always done last, because it takes the least time, and if I do run late then I can do this easier than a final card (or three).

This week has been interesting for me, with a few highlights, dinosaur golf, and nipper`s six month birthday, which was on Friday, and he also had his first bus journey, just one stop, on Tuesday, just to see if he liked it, and as he tolerated it, without barking, there will be more. However, the days in the middle of the week dragged a bit, and, as always, a lack of entertaining things to do led to a lack of enthusiasm. 

So this week, our cast of characters involves : two Queens, a college, two forms of sewing, a 1960s pop group and a 1970s sci-fi. On Friday. What can I say. 

Lets start with one of those Queens then...

and so, for now, I call a halt. At that time I needed to add the information from the updated British Trade Index - and I did that Saturday morning.

I am failing to find a card of John Logie Baird so that I can continue the gallery backwards. What I would like is the black back version of Brooke Bond`s "Famous People" if anyone can help. Many thanks in advance. The other card of this unwonted pairing that I could swop is Compton Mackenzie, but I think he is only on that one card, Ardath`s "Famous Scots", apart from Wills` "Famous British Authors" which I have used before.  

Apart from that nothing to report. Thanks for tuning in, and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much I enjoyed writing it. It has been a fun newsletter - with many new cards that I had not encountered before, and if you liked them, then thanks are due to the readers who sent them in. I thank them, too.