Newsletter - 2025-01-04

Welcome to the first newsletter of 2025, and long may they continue, as well as evolve. For if they do not, then they run the risk of becoming what some may consider "old hat". After all, in April, I will have been writing them for six years! 

This week, another hectic one, not sure what happened to "all that free time" between Christmas and the New Year, I always imagine this lasts for weeks, and then am shocked to find that the New Year is but a few days after Christmas Day. Anyway, we do our best, and cannot say more. 

And so to our contents, which cover the small, the super, the sunk, the stellar, the shakes, some safety, and survival, for some, at least. But lets get started with....

As for the other currencies that were lost to the euro, we chatted about the Austrian Schilling in a previous newsletter, that of the 14th of December, 2024, just scroll down to Friday the 20th of December. 

This only leaves uncovered the Latvian Lat, the Lithuanian Lita, the Portuguese Escudo, the Slovenian Tolar, and the Spanish Peseta. I will add those in either as part of a future newsletter, or, more likely, expand here, though I admit that some of these will be way easier to find than others....

Anyway time has beaten me once more, and I must away.

Hope you enjoyed this little trip through vanished coinage, and to countries that awakened memories of past holidaymaking - or maybe inspired you to revisit your dreams of going there once more. Perhaps, too, it will send you to your albums to check out some of your cards on the subject. And if you find any I could not, do let us know!