Newsletter - 2025-01-18

Off we go again, into the wonderful world of cards - but more than that, in our endeavouring to show how cards can connect us with events of all kinds, from the humble beginnings of things we take for granted, and budding musicians, actors and actresses who went on to be great, household names. Then there are the strange ways that it was thought the future would develop. Lastly, they also provide us with contemporary illustrations of things that have oft been lost with the passing of time, or that ended up to not be so positive for mankind as was once imagined. Some of them, admittedly, also touch on, or depict, subjects and beliefs that we do not find so palatable today, in what some of us try to make a gentler, better world. '

This week has not been such a struggle as usual. Not just because mum is now under the care, at least a few times a week, of the district nurse. The subjects I found were, for the most part, those which appear. Thursday was the first day that had to be abandoned and the hunt restart for a subject, at first it was Spion Kop, then Clashing Clothes Day, but it ended up as archery, mainly because I had been sent a scan of a card ages ago by a reader in response to my using Taddy`s "Sports and Pastimes", however the back, red and rather blurry, took some working on. The same was true for my efforts to make Monday`s card look straight. I have done my best with both of these, though I remain not entirely happy. 

And so we close, for another week, half way through January already. Thanks for coming over, and having a read, and I do hope you were entertained, or at least diverted from any problems that you might have been having. 

I know, or know of, a lot of our readers, and it is always great to hear from you. Some of you even send ideas for future events, which is grand, and others send scans of cards that I mentioned, whilst some even send corrections of ways in which I erred. All are really helpful, and useful, and they fill in little gaps in my knowledge - as well as everyone else`s.

These additions are added into the space in whichever newsletter they first appeared and, if especially noteworthy, to the banner on the front page, with a link to the card in question. I hope to do a lot more of this when I have lighter nights and mornings, and more time to type away. 

Speaking of which, it is time for hot chocolate, maybe even a biscuit, and then I will join my canine companion in sleep. Might have to curl him up a bit though, for he has, again, filled most of the space on which I am attempting to squeeze beside him....

By the way, all the cards featured in today`s newsletter are now added to our gallery