Newsletter - 2025-02-01

So here we are, in February, the gateway between the winter and the spring. Yet, for all that, it can still be cold and rainy. Good things too, though, the bulbs start to poke up from their slumber beneath the frozen soil - and seeds appear in the shops, though, at first, only the expensive ones. The cheaper ones come later, and often contain less seeds, which, for home growing, is all you need. Commercial growers may need five hundred of one type of seed, but I do not. 

This week went quite well, though I was still missing two cards on Friday, the 5th and the 7th of February - and I spent way too long writing about our first subject, but I hope you enjoy reading it anyway. Lets head there, now...

Just scraped in, and it was fun. Mind you I still have one card to insert before I press the button that publishes this. I have done it, but it did not transfer to the disc from the laptop, no idea why. Hope I did not delete it, but even then it usually stays in the bin for a while. 

Thanks for tuning in, and don`t forget that if there is an event coming up which involves your sphere of interest do drop us a line, in good time, so that we can feature something that we may miss.

Look forward to hearing from you, at