Newsletter - 2025-02-08

Heading into February now, and I have just become another year older, but its going okay so far. That is not why this newsletter was a bit rushed, the truth is that since I started writing it in 2019 I just scrape in by midnight, for the most part, (though definitely not after any concerts) and I say to myself, next week I will start this on Sunday. Never have yet, but maybe I will this week.... you never know.

This week, though, I was running late, and there are many more cigarette cards than usual, and they may not all get written up in their entirety, at least not now, but they will one day.

I want to thank everyone who sends me scans and info, I could not do it without you, especially as each year there are seven hundred and thirty different cards shown across the cards of the day and the diary cards, almost four thousand five hundred cards since I started, though I am pretty sure there is some duplication in the newsletters. However all the cards of the day are unique, either a stand alone card or a different brand or variety. 

And long may this continue 

But lets start with .......

So there we go, and so must I, into the Land of Nod, for as long as I get until I am interrupted in my slumber by a request to use the bathroom, either by mum or from nipper. On a rainy night I prefer to answer mum`s call, surprisingly, for nipper needs to go out and use the garden, and he is not in the slightest bit concerned that he is getting soaking wet, so he wanders about in the hunt of exciting scents, maybe because he knows that there will be a warm towel waiting to enclose him when he gets indoors. No warm towel for me though. 

I hope that you enjoyed this week`s cards, it was a change to have so many cigarette ones, and I did have the extra time to do that, even though it slightly beat me in the end to get them all researched. The problem was that as I went along the links took me back to books I had already returned, which is fun, but time consuming. The few I failed to complete will be done over the weekend though, and I will add them to the front page banner when they are complete. 

Thanks again for tuning in. And I will be back with another newsletter next week