Postal Auction 572

Auction date
Bid closing

I wrote my last lot of jottings in October, because of printing deadlines of course. I did not give a thought to wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, so my apologies for that. I am writing this a few days before the big event, so I hope everyone had an enjoyable time, or at least as good as was possible given the restrictions and hopefully common sense.

And so on to the highlights. We have some unrecorded trade issues at lots 9-12, a Venables Baseball scene amongst a batch of American cards in lots 13-26 (OK the last 2 are from Canada, but I am nit-picking!), Wills Indian Series at lots 33 & 34, a Murray Cricketer Series H Brown front lot 36, more Fairweather Historic Buildings of Scotland lots 47-49, Salmon & Gluckstein Owners & Jockeys lots 76-79, followed by a selection of Cricket types lots 80-90, a Taddy Wrestler lot 101, and African Tobacco Manufacturers World of Sport featuring Babe Ruth 109, a set of CWS Co-operative Buildings and Works lot 120, Barratt M50 Famous Footballers lots 126-131, a Kinney Naval Vessel lot 135 and a Goodwin Flower lot 142.

Please have a good look through the Auction List; there is the usual mix of sets and types, tobacco and trade. I look forward to receiving your bids.

Auction Listing

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