Newsletter - 2024-02-17

Bit of a rush job this week but there are still wonders to behold, even though two of them are a bit sparse of text and references. Fear not, they will arrive tomorrow. 

Had a hectic week, an eye test, and a grumpy dog who wants to go in the garden every two minutes. The eye test revealed I need new glasses, and so I have them coming, but they will not be here for a week or so, and suddenly I find I am struggling with the old ones, and in poor light too. That is another reason why this is slow, because I have not wanted to strain by looking in books with tiny text until the light is better, and several days this week it rained so was even duller than usual.

I did manage to sort out some of the Card Index though, and the changes or additions this week are :

Ardath Tobacco Co. Ltd [tobacco : UK] "Famous Footballers" (August 1934) -

Alexander Boguslavsky, Ltd [tobacco : UK] “Sports Records” - first series (1925) -

Carreras [tobacco : UK] "Believe it or Not" (October 1934) -

Lamberts [trade : tea : UK] "Sports and Games" (1964) -

J. Lees [tobacco : UK] "Northampton Town Footballers" (1912) - 

Olleschau [tobacco : UK] "Bookmarks" (undated) -

last card added  (Panini "Royal Family" (1991) 

Anyway there are joys still to behold in this rather shortened newsletter. And I could do with a better scan for one of them. Also, as usual, we will be delighted with your comments, memories, and updates. Keep them coming, for you turn the newsletters into a joint effort, rather than me, waffling. 

So without any more of that, here is this week`s newsletter

Better bring this to a close there, look at the time. 

Have a great week, and lets hope you find at least one card to thrill you.