Newsletter - 2024-05-24

So this week it has been another chance for you to follow the progress of a newsletter as it builds. Things are pretty hectic right now. However they will settle down, I am sure. And I am heartened by the kind messages that I have been sent. Thanks to you all. 

Getting towards the middle of the year now, and also the sun is making a bit more of an appearance though we have also had a lot of rain. When the sun is awake before me I am always happy, I love to wake up and know I can go anywhere and will not have to run amongst the showers. Rain is dark and cold and I think for a moment that someone has pulled the curtains on me whilst I was asleep - I never liked curtains, the windows are enough.

Anyway thanks for your perseverance and this ought to be entirely finished tomorrow. In the mean time, read on for a delightful drink, a powerless plane, a sun saviour, a golden goal, an `ounded otter, more`s the pity, a baseball birthday, and a cigarette-smoking man....

well dear readers, we got to the end in the end. But not very long before I will need a new newsletter. Thanks for your support, and I hope you enjoyed the journey.

See you all next week (in a few days time)