Newsletter - 2024-06-08

This newsletter is almost completed.

Yet it remains a strange one, speaking both of sadness, and of delight, almost within the same breath. Such, I have learned, is life. Peaks and troughs, laughter and tears, an end and a beginning. 

If you tune in to our site every day or so, you will have hopefully already spotted our tribute banner to one of the great names of cartophily, Mr. Martin Murray, who passed away peacefully a few days ago. Many of us knew him personally and were proud to call him friend, some only knew him because they attended his fairs or auctions, and perhaps did not take the time to get to know him better, and a few perhaps only remember of his name on his own annual sales catalogues, of which there were fifty-one, and the reference books that he researched so diligently for us. 

I would also like to share these words, from our President, Mr. Davis : 

I am sorry to have to advise you of the death of Martin Murray on 4th June. His health did not allow him to attend this year’s convention in Salisbury (he was hospitalised at the time) and although he did actually return home for a while even Martin could not delay the inevitable!

Many of you will remember him as a friend & colleague and his love of all things Cartophilic and if there are any members with personal memories of him that you would like to share with others, please forward them to the Editor for inclusion in the next Card World magazine (deadline 20th June). These memories will (subject to available space) be included with other tributes in the magazine.

David Davis, President CSGB 

This week the newsletter will again be serialised, and appear in spare moments, in between the chaos of my life - a chaos, which, I have to add, is all my fault. Though, in my defence, our mind plays tricks on us - when we have a dog for thirteen years, we completely forget what it was like to have a puppy.

So here we go - on a new adventure. 

This week, so far, at least, may I present to you the story of : a climbing catastrophe, a wonderful waterfowl, a curious clock, a fine flag, a charming capital, a Finnish flyer, and a corner centenary. Or at least I will have done by Monday! 

So thanks for popping in, again, and I will continue overnight, or in the morning, once light - with the card codes.... 

And then to this week`s newsletter!