Welcome to Card World

.... the virtual version of the Cartophilic Society, encouraging, and promoting card collecting for almost a century.

And also bringing collectors together, wherever they live, and whatever sort of cards they love. 

As always, you will find the latest news on our rolling banner, so do get into the habit of checking there first...

  • cards

    What`s On ...


    Lea Valley Card Club will be at North Weald Village Hall, 40 High Rd, North Weald Bassett, Epping CM16 6BU. Their events run from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. - with an auction at 1 pm. 

    Admission is £2 per person.

  • Wills NZ safety first

    What`s New ?


    18th July 2024 -

    this is the latest card to be added to our index and gallery. 

  • Carreras "Ripley"

    What`s More ...

    latest newsletter just published 

Explore further

Join Up !

A close-up of a selection of cigarette cards relating to flags and nations. Everyone can visit this website for free, as many times as they like. However joining The Cartophilic Society brings many extra benefits and privileges .....

Join In !

11 mar 24 Come and meet us at our regional events, which are held right around the country - and hopefully there is one near you!

News and updates

22nd July 2024
Thinking of Streamlining Your Collection?
I am currently buying Cigarette & Trade Card Types, Sets and Collections. Contact Oliver Cleaver on 07899 300405    - or by email at olivercleaver@hotmail.co.uk
22nd July 2024
JS Cards
Our new website - www.cigarettecards.com - is now up and running, and we are continually adding new stock.Higher value collections wanted for purchase. Contact John Shaw at johnshaw14cards@googlemail.com or Tel 07769 032240/01283 480382
8th July 2024
Loddon Auctions
Next auction is Wednesday 21st, Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd August
Latest newsletter:
27th July 2024
After almost an entire week of chaos, I have at last finished all the pictures, and set them into place. Some of the text will have to be added through the weekend though. The weekend will also be chaotic, especially tomorrow, but for a whole other reason....

More from Card World

Card of the day

Every night, at about midnight, we pop in and display the front of a new card. You get till 8pm that night to test your card knowledge, just for fun. The cards on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday are clues to the week`s theme, which provides the subject of the rest of the cards of the week. And if any reader would like to send us a jpeg scan of the front and the back of an unusual card which is relevant to that theme, or any information, please do - the email address is webmaster@card-world.co.uk And you can see all the cards of that week, plus read what we have discovered, or been told about them, in our weekly newsletter, which is uploaded, for all visitors to read, free of charge, every Saturday morning.
Current card